Avo cigars are a brand of premium cigars that have become synonymous with luxury and sophistication. The brand was founded by Avo Uvezian, a renowned jazz pianist who was also a cigar aficionado. Avo cigars are known for their complex and nuanced flavors, resulting from the use of high-quality tobacco and meticulous craftsmanship.

The history of Avo cigars is a fascinating one that spans several decades. Avo Uvezian first started experimenting with cigar blends in the 1980s after being introduced to the world of premium cigars by a friend. He soon became obsessed with cigar making and began working with some of the world’s best tobacco growers and blenders to create his unique blends. The result was a line of cigars quickly gaining a reputation for their exceptional quality and flavor.

Today, Avo cigars are considered to be among the finest cigars in the world and are enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts around the globe. The brand has become synonymous with luxury and sophistication, and is often associated with the finer things in life. Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or simply looking to indulge in a luxurious smoking experience, Avo cigars are sure to provide you with an unforgettable experience.

Early Years

Avo Uvezian was a jazz pianist and composer born in Beirut, French Lebanon in 1926. Uvezian’s father was a composer and conductor, and his mother was a singer. Uvezian had a passion for music, and he dreamed of a successful career as a musician. However, he also loved cigars, eventually creating his own brand.

In 1987, Uvezian met Davidoff’s Hendrik “Henke” Kelner, a master blender known for his expertise in creating high-quality cigars. Kelner and Uvezian collaborated to create the Avo brand, which quickly gaining popularity among cigar enthusiasts.

Davidoff purchased the distribution rights for the Avo brand in 1995, and to this day, Avo cigars are manufactured at the Oettinger Kelner Cigars Factory in the Dominican Republic.

Avo Uvezian

Avo Uvezian was not only a talented musician, but he was also a passionate cigar lover. He often smoked cigars while performing, and he even created his own blend, eventually becoming the Avo brand.

Uvezian’s love for cigars began at a young age when he would watch his father smoke cigars. He was fascinated by the aroma and flavors of the tobacco, and he began experimenting with different blends and flavors.


Davidoff is a Swiss luxury brand known for its high-quality cigars, cigarettes, and accessories. The brand was founded by Zino Davidoff, a well-known cigar aficionado and expert in the industry.

Davidoff has a long history of creating some of the world’s finest cigars. The company has a reputation for using only the finest tobacco and employing the most skilled artisans in the industry.

In the early years of the Avo brand, Davidoff played a significant role in distributing and marketing the cigars. Today, the Avo brand is still closely associated with Davidoff, and the two brands are committed to quality and craftsmanship.

Cuban Cigars

Cuban cigars are considered by many to be the finest cigars in the world. The country has a long history of producing high-quality tobacco, and cigars are known for their rich flavor and aroma.

However, the Cuban embargo has made it difficult for Americans to purchase Cuban cigars legally. As a result, many cigar enthusiasts have turned to other brands, such as Avo, known for their high quality and exceptional flavor.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is one of the world’s largest producers of cigars, and it is home to some of the most respected brands in the industry. The country has a long history of producing high-quality tobacco, and its cigars are known for their rich flavor and aroma.

The Oettinger Kelner Cigars Factory, where Avo cigars are manufactured, is located in the Dominican Republic. The factory is known for its commitment to quality and craftsmanship, and it employs some of the most skilled artisans in the industry.

In conclusion, the early years of the Avo brand were marked by the collaboration between Avo Uvezian and Davidoff’s Hendrik Kelner. Today, the brand is known for its exceptional quality and flavor, and it continues to be closely associated with Davidoff and the Dominican Republic.

The Avo Cigar Legacy

Avo Uvezian, a famous jazz pianist and composer, had a lifelong passion for premium cigars. In 1987, he met Hendrik Kelner, a renowned cigar maker, and together they created Avo Cigars. Avo’s legacy continues to this day, capturing the hearts of cigar enthusiasts worldwide.

Avo XO

Avo XO is a classic blend that has been a staple of the Avo brand since its inception. It is a medium-bodied cigar that is smooth and creamy, with notes of cedar, nuts, and toasted nuts. The Avo XO is a perfect cigar for any occasion, whether it’s a relaxing evening at home or a night out with friends.

Avo Syncro

Avo Syncro is a newer addition to the Avo lineup, but it has quickly become a fan favorite. The Avo Syncro Nicaragua is a medium to full-bodied rich and complex cigar with notes of pepper, earth, and nuts. The Avo Syncro Nicaragua is a perfect cigar for those who want to explore the world of Avo cigars.

Avo Classic

The Avo Classic is the flagship cigar of the Avo brand. It is a mild to medium-bodied smooth and creamy cigar with notes of cedar, coffee, and chocolate. The Avo Classic is a perfect cigar for those who want to experience the heritage of Avo cigars.

Avo cigars are made using only the finest tobacco, aged for at least six years. The tobacco are artistically woven into each cigar, creating a masterpiece meant for special occasions. The Avo Maduro is a prime example of this craftsmanship, with its rich, dark wrapper and full-bodied flavor.

The Avo Syncro Nicaragua is a unique blend combining Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Peruvian tobaccos flavors. The result is a rich and complex cigar that will satisfy even the most discerning palate.

The Avo Heritage is a tribute to Avo Uvezian’s legacy. It is a medium-bodied cigar that is smooth and creamy, with notes of cedar, nuts, and oak. The Avo Heritage is a perfect cigar for those who want to experience the history of Avo cigars.

In conclusion, Avo cigars have a rich history and a legacy that continues today. With their dedication to craftsmanship and quality, Avo cigars will satisfy any cigar enthusiast.

The Music Connection

Avo Uvezian’s passion for music was integral to his life and career. He was born in Beirut in 1926 and grew up in a musical family. His father was a symphony orchestra conductor and a violinist, and he was Avo’s musical mentor. Avo began playing the piano at a young age and developed a love for jazz music, which would later significantly influence his cigar brand.


Avo’s love for jazz music began when he was a teenager. He was captivated by the swing and lust for life that jazz embodied. He often sneak out of his home to attend jazz concerts and listen to jazz records. Avo’s passion for jazz music would eventually lead him to become a jazz pianist and composer, performing with some of the biggest names in the industry.


Avo’s talent for playing the piano was evident from a young age. He received formal training in classical music, but his true passion was jazz. He began performing at local venues and quickly gained a following. Avo’s piano skills would later significantly influence his cigar brand, with many of his cigars named after musical terms and concepts.


Avo was proud of his Armenian heritage and often incorporated it into his music and cigar brand. He was born in Beirut to Armenian parents and later moved to the United States, where he became a naturalized citizen. Avo’s unique background and cultural influences helped shape his music and cigar brand, making them stand out in the industry.


Avo’s talent for composing music was evident from a young age. He began composing music as a teenager and continued to do so throughout his life. His love for jazz music heavily influenced Avo’s compositions, and he often incorporated jazz elements into his classical compositions. Avo’s talent for composing music would later significantly influence his cigar brand, with many of his cigars named after musical terms and concepts.

Avo’s love for music was integral to his life and career. His passion for jazz music and piano playing heavily influenced his cigar brand, with many cigars named after musical terms and concepts. Avo’s unique background and cultural influences also helped shape his music and cigar brand, making them stand out in the industry.

Avo’s Legacy Lives On

Avo Uvezian’s passion for music and cigars led him to create some of the most sought-after cigars in the industry. Avo’s legacy lives on today through the company’s commitment to quality and innovation.

Avo Domaine

One of Avo’s most popular lines is the Domaine series. These cigars use tobacco from a single estate in the Dominican Republic, giving them a unique flavor profile. The wrapper is a sun-grown Ecuadorian Connecticut leaf, while the binder and filler are Dominican. The result is a smooth, creamy smoke with notes of nuts, cedar, and a hint of spice.

Connecticut Broadleaf

The Connecticut Broadleaf series is another standout from Avo. These cigars use a dark, oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, which gives them a rich, full-bodied flavor. The binder and filler are both Dominican, and notes of chocolate, coffee, and earthy undertones characterize the smoke.

Puerto Rico

Avo’s connection to Puerto Rico is evident in the company’s special edition cigars. The Avo Limited Edition 2009 CompaƱero was created in collaboration with Puerto Rican musician and friend of Avo, Ricardo Arjona. The cigar features a Dominican binder and filler, with a sun-grown Ecuadorian wrapper. It is a medium-bodied smoke with notes of coffee, leather, and a hint of sweetness.

Avo’s legacy is also evident in the company’s commitment to innovation. The Avo Syncro series, for example, uses tobacco from five different countries to create a complex, layered smoke. On the other hand, the Avo XO series uses only the finest aged tobaccos to create a smooth, well-balanced smoke.

Overall, Avo’s legacy is one of quality, innovation, and passion for the art of cigar making. Whether you’re a seasoned aficionado or a newcomer to the world of cigars, there’s something for everyone in the Avo lineup.