ACID cigars have become popular among cigar enthusiasts for their unique flavors and aromas. However, not many people know about the history of ACID cigars and how they came to be. The story behind ACID cigars is a fascinating one that involves two college buddies who share a love for cigars and a desire to create something new and innovative.

In the late 1990s, Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samuel founded Drew Estate, a cigar company that would go on to create some of the most popular cigar brands in the world. ACID cigars were one of their earliest creations and were unlike anything else on the market then. Infused with various botanicals, herbs, oils, and wines, ACID cigars quickly gained a following among cigar enthusiasts looking for something different.

Over the years, ACID cigars have become synonymous with Drew Estate and helped establish the company as a leader in the cigar industry. With their unique flavors and aromas, ACID cigars are a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts looking for something that stands out from the crowd. In the following sections, we will explore the history of ACID cigars and how they became one of the most popular cigar brands in the world.

Founding of Drew Estate and the Creation of ACID Cigars

Drew Estate is a cigar manufacturer founded in 1996 by Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel. The company began in New York City, where Drew and Samel started by borrowing capital from family and friends. They then moved to Nicaragua, experimenting with unique blends and flavors to create their own brand of cigars.

Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel

Jonathan Drew and Marvin Samel met while attending college in New York City. They shared a passion for cigars and began experimenting with blends and flavors in their dorm room. After college, they both pursued careers in the cigar industry, working for various cigar manufacturers before deciding to start their own company.

The ACID Brand

One of Drew Estate’s most successful brands is the ACID brand, created in 1999. The ACID brand is known for its unique flavor profiles, achieved through infusing tobacco with herbs, spices, and other natural ingredients. The ACID brand was an immediate success and helped to establish Drew Estate as a major player in the cigar industry.

Drew Estate’s success with the ACID brand led to the creation of other infused cigar lines, including the Tabak, Natural, and Ambrosia brands. The company also began producing more traditional premium cigars but with their distinct branding.

Drew Estate’s factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, is one of the largest premium cigar factories in the world, covering over 96,000 square feet. The factory is known for its unique cigar-rolling experience, where visitors can watch cigars roll by hand using traditional methods.

Drew Estate’s success can be attributed to their innovative approach to cigar making and its ability to create unique and flavorful blends that appeal to a wide range of cigar smokers.

ACID Cigars: Infusion and Flavor

ACID Cigars are known for their unique infusion process and flavor profiles. The infusion process involves using essential oils, herbs, and spices to add a sweet and fragrant flavor to the tobacco leaves. The flavor profiles of ACID Cigars result from the infusion process, offering a range of fruity and floral aromas.

Infusion Process

The infusion process used in ACID Cigars is a proprietary method developed by Drew Estate, which produces ACID Cigars. The process involves using natural botanicals, oils, and herbs to flavor the tobacco leaves. The tobacco leaves are carefully selected and infused with natural botanicals to create a unique flavor profile.

The infusion process is done in small batches. The tobacco leaves are carefully monitored throughout the process to ensure that they absorb the flavor and aroma of the natural botanicals. The result is a cigar rich in flavor and aroma, with a unique taste, unlike any other cigar on the market.

Flavor Profiles

ACID Cigars offer a range of flavor profiles, each with a unique taste and aroma. Some of the most popular flavor profiles include:

The flavor profiles of ACID Cigars are created by using a blend of natural botanicals, oils, and herbs, which are carefully selected to create a unique taste and aroma. The result is a cigar rich in flavor and aroma, with a unique taste that is unlike any other cigar on the market.

In conclusion, the infusion process and flavor profiles of ACID Cigars make them a unique and popular choice among cigar enthusiasts. Using natural botanicals, oils, and herbs to flavor the tobacco leaves creates a unique taste and aroma that is unmatched by any other cigar on the market.

The Market for Flavored Cigars

ACID Cigars and the Market

Flavored cigars have been around for a long time, but they have not always been popular among cigar lovers. However, the market for flavored cigars has been growing steadily over the past few years, and ACID cigars have played a significant role in this growth. ACID cigars were introduced in 1999 by Drew Estate, and they quickly became popular among cigar lovers looking for a unique and flavorful cigar experience.

ACID cigars are known for their fruity and floral flavors, achieved by infusing tobacco leaves with essential oils and herbs. This infusion process gives ACID cigars a distinct flavor that differentiates them from other flavored cigars. The infusion process is done by hand, and only the finest tobacco leaves are used to ensure that the flavor is consistent and of the highest quality.

Strengths and Success

One of the strengths of ACID cigars is their ability to appeal to a wide range of cigar lovers. They are not just for those new to cigars or those who prefer flavored cigars. ACID cigars have gained a following among experienced cigar smokers who appreciate their unique and complex flavors. The success of ACID cigars can be attributed to their ability to provide a unique and flavorful cigar experience unmatched by other flavored cigars in the market.

Another strength of ACID cigars is their quality. Unlike many other flavored cigars, ACID cigars are made with premium long-fillers and are entirely handmade. This attention to detail and commitment to quality ensures that every ACID cigar provides a consistent and enjoyable smoking experience.

In conclusion, the market for flavored cigars has been growing steadily over the past few years, and ACID cigars have played a significant role in this growth. ACID cigars are known for their fruity and floral flavors, achieved by infusing tobacco leaves with essential oils and herbs. The infusion process is done by hand, and only the finest tobacco leaves are used to ensure that the flavor is consistent and of the highest quality. The success of ACID cigars can be attributed to their ability to provide a unique and flavorful cigar experience unmatched by other flavored cigars in the market.

The ACID Cigar Lineup

The ACID Cigar lineup is a unique collection of cigars that has gained a significant following since its inception in 1999. The brand is known for its infused cigars that offer a unique smoking experience.

Top-Selling Flavors

The ACID Blondie is the most popular cigar in the ACID lineup. It is a small cigar that is perfect for a quick smoke. The Blondie has a sweet taste with a hint of vanilla and is infused with botanicals and herbs.

Another popular flavor in the ACID lineup is the Kuba Kuba. It is a medium-bodied cigar that has a sweet and spicy taste. The Kuba Kuba is infused with botanicals and has a unique earthiness.

The Extra Ordinary Larry is another top-selling flavor in the ACID lineup. It is a full-bodied cigar that has a sweet and spicy taste. The Extra Ordinary Larry is infused with botanicals and has a unique earthiness.

New Additions

The ACID lineup has expanded, and new flavors have been added to the collection. One of the new additions is the Cold Infusion Tea. It is a mild cigar that has a sweet and mellow taste. The Cold Infusion Tea is infused with natural tea flavors.

Another new addition to the ACID lineup is the ACID One. It is a full-bodied cigar that has a sweet and spicy taste. The ACID One is infused with botanicals and has a unique earthiness.

The ACID lineup also includes a range of labels designed to appeal to different tastes and preferences. The labels include the ACID Red, Blue, Gold, and Purple.

The ACID Cigar lineup offers a unique smoking experience unlike any other cigar brand. The infused flavors and unique earthiness make these cigars a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.

The ACID Experience

ACID cigars are known for their distinctive taste and aroma. The infusion process of botanicals, herbs, oils, and wines is what sets ACID cigars apart from traditional cigars. The taste and aroma of ACID cigars are unique and cannot be found in any other cigar brand. The flavor profile of ACID cigars is complex, with hints of sweetness, spice, and floral notes.

Taste and Aroma

The taste and aroma of ACID cigars are created through a proprietary infusion process that Drew Estate closely guards. The infusion process involves using botanicals, herbs, oils, and wines to create a flavor profile unique to ACID cigars. The taste and aroma of ACID cigars are not overpowering but rather subtle and complex. The flavor profile of ACID cigars is designed to appeal to a wide range of smokers, from beginners to seasoned cigar enthusiasts.

Cigar Rolling and Factory Tour

Rolling and constructing an ACID cigar differs from any other type of cigar. The ACID cigar rolling process involves using high-quality tobacco leaves and infusing botanicals, herbs, oils, and wines. The ACID cigar rolling process is done by hand, with each cigar carefully crafted to ensure consistency and quality.

A visit to the Drew Estate factory in EstelĂ­, Nicaragua, offers a unique opportunity to see the ACID cigar rolling process firsthand. The factory tour provides an in-depth look at the production process, from the tobacco fields to the finished product. Visitors can observe the skilled workers as they roll and construct the ACID cigars and learn about the history and culture of the cigar industry.

Collaborations and Artistic Influence

ACID cigars are known for their unique taste, aroma, and artistic influence. Drew Estate has collaborated with several street artists and designers to create limited-edition ACID cigar boxes and packaging. The collaborations have resulted in some of the industry’s most unique and visually stunning cigar packaging.

One of the most notable collaborations was with Scott “Acid” Chester, a Brooklyn, New York, street artist. Chester’s artwork was used on the ACID Kuba Kuba cigar packaging, which quickly became one of the most popular ACID cigars blends. The collaboration led to the creation of the ACID Kuba Kuba Kiosk. Chester and his wife, Arielle Chester of Hurricane Arielle Industrial Design, designed this mobile cigar kiosk.

In conclusion, the ACID experience is unique and unforgettable. From the taste and aroma of the cigars to the artistic collaborations and factory tours, ACID cigars offer a one-of-a-kind smoking experience. Whether you are a seasoned cigar enthusiast or a beginner, ACID cigars are worth trying for their unique flavor profile and artistic influence.


In conclusion, ACID Cigars have a rich history that began with two college friends who shared a passion for cigars. From their humble beginnings, they embarked on a journey to create a high-quality cigar-rolling business that would eventually lead to the creation of the ACID brand. Today, ACID Cigars are known for their unique flavors and aromas, achieved by infusing tobacco leaves with essential oils and herbs.

The success of ACID Cigars can be attributed to the innovative spirit of the founders, who were willing to experiment and try new things. They were fearless in challenging the status quo and creating something different from what was available in the market. This willingness to take risks and push boundaries has made ACID Cigars popular among cigar enthusiasts.

Over the years, ACID Cigars have continued to evolve and innovate, introducing new flavors and blends to cater to the changing tastes of consumers. They have also expanded their product line to include other tobacco products, such as pipe tobacco and cigarillos.

For those interested in trying out ACID Cigars, many resources are available online, including the official ACID Cigars website, which provides information on the various flavors and blends available. Additionally, consumers can contact the company’s customer service team for more information or to place an order.

Overall, ACID Cigars are a testament to the tobacco industry’s power of innovation and creativity. With their unique flavors and aromas, they have carved out a niche in the market and continue to be a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts.