Cigar Cutters: Types, Brands, Cutting Techniques
A cigar cutter is an essential tool for any cigar smoker, as it allows for a clean and precise cut of the cigar cap, which is necessary for a proper draw and smoking experience. Several types of cigar cutters are available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the different […]
Cigar Humidifiers: Beads, Gel, Electric
Cigar humidifiers are essential for any cigar smoker, as they help maintain the proper humidity levels required for storing and aging cigars. Several types of cigar humidifiers are available, each with its advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we will explore the different kinds of cigar humidifiers, the benefits of Boveda packs, and the importance […]
Cigar Matches: Wooden, Sulfur-Free, Long Matches
Cigar matches are essential for any cigar smoker, as they provide a reliable and convenient way to light a cigar. However, not all matches are created equal, and choosing the right match type is essential to ensure a proper lighting experience. This article will explore the different kinds of cigar matches, the importance of sulfur-free […]