Honduras and Dominican Republic are two of the top cigar-producing countries globally. Both countries have elicited comparisons to Cuba and have lived up to the reputation of producing high-quality cigars. In comparing the two, there are many similarities in that they are both heavy producers and exporters of tobacco. But also, the notable trend is towards heavy nicotine content, with Dominicanos more on the smoother side.
Table Comparison of Dominican vs. Honduran Cigars
Dominican Cigars | Honduran Cigars |
Medium Sweet | Rich Coffee Tones |
Honduran Cigars
The reputation of the cigar industries in Honduras’s fellow cigar-producing countries often overshadows the Honduran cigar industry. Nonetheless, it can offer enthusiasts lots of taste and flavor by having a rich history in its cigar brands.
Popular cigars from Honduras are La Invicta, Cao, Don Ramos, Cao Italia Novella, and Carribean Corona. These cigars are enjoyed by enthusiasts who emphasize the strength and heavy flavors in cigars. As a general rule, Honduran tobaccos are stronger than Dominicanos because they usually have higher nicotine content. However, milder cigars are also available for other cigar enthusiasts.
There are plenty of unique blends that are worth some time, too. These cigars are blended with fillers and leaves from different countries and assembled in Honduras. Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel-Aged, Rocky Patel Number 6, and Alec Bradley Black Market are some of the famous blends. The abovementioned cigars have complex and rich profiles, showing the versatility of the Honduran tobacco industry.
Honduran brands are well known for their distinct taste, which comes from the healthy soil and climate of the region. Aside from Cuba, Honduras is the other country that comes close to ideal terrain and weather. There is a reason why it is called ‘the other Cuba.’ Honduras is suitable for tobacco because it is particularly suitable for growing varieties like Connecticut Shade, Corojo Shade, and many Cuban-seed sun-grown fillers.
Its native variety is Copaneco, a name derived from its place of cultivation, Sta. Rosa de Copaneco. Jamastran Valley is the primary location where tobacco is grown in Honduras. The soil in the Jamastran Valley is so rich that it is often compared to Cuba’s Vuelta Abajo and Partido regions. Now, that’s a way to achieve a reputation.
Dominican Cigars
The Dominican Republic has around 600,000 acres of tobacco plantations. In addition to its rich soil, its main advantage is its political stability compared to other tobacco-growing countries.
The most celebrated cigar brands in the world are hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic. Global brands like Arturo Fuente, Ashton, and Davidoff have found a home in the South American country. This boom in the industry results from minimal disruptions, unlike the revolutions in Cuba and Nicaragua.
Other popular brands like Santa Damiana, Macanudo, and La Aurora also offer complex blends to enthusiasts. In addition to these brands, heritage brands like Cohiba, Montecristo, Romeo y Julieta, and H. Upmann also found a niche in the country’s cigar industry. After the revolution, these brands from Cuba relocated to the Dominican Republic.
In general, Dominicanos are lighter compared to Honduran cigars. The signature flavor of Dominicanos is creamy and mild. However, tastes eventually evolve. After the cigar boom, many options from the Dominican Republic came into the market and offered higher nicotine content.
Famous cigars like Ashton VSG and Fuente Fuente Opus X became famous. Carlito Fuente, the legend of the industry who blended both cigars, planted the tobacco for these cigars from his own family’s Chateau Fuente. Both cigars are complex with strong flavors of pepper, leather, and notes of nougat.
Nonetheless, Dominican Republic hasn’t given up on its traditional mild cigars. Complex cigars like Ashton blend and Arturo Fuente Chateau Series bring a range of cocoa, oak, cedar, and coffee with the trademark smoothness of a Dominicano.
Cibao Valley is the ideal place to grow tobacco in the Dominican Republic in terms of location. Cibao valley produces the majority of Dominican tobacco leaves. The most special leaves are grown in these areas within Yaque: Navarette, La Canela, and Villa Gonzalez.