Davidoff Cigars

Davidoff Cigars

Davidoff cigar brand since it was launched 90 years ago by the Swiss cigar maker Zino Davidoff. These premium cigars are known for their great construction, consistency, and delectable flavors. Davidoff now owns a massive amount of the finest tobacco from the cutting-edge factories in Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic along with grade A wrappers that offer delicious flavor profiles made up of coffee, nuts, and cedar that may range from medium to full-bodied cigars. You would love its creamy smoothness. Davidoff makes it possible for any type of smoker to experience and indulge in the brand’s award-winning blends.

The Best Davidoff Cigars

ScotchCigars.com’s Top Pick for Davidoff Cigars

Davidoff Winston Churchill

#1 medium strength cigar

This cigar is impressive, and it’s known for its complexity. It comes in an elegant size and comes with highly sophisticated flavors and a multi-organ blend one that is a combination of spice, wood, and chocolate. These cigars come in four original sizes which have a unique blend of 5 unique and precisely selected seed filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic mixed with the Nicaraguan leaf and a Negro San Andres binder.

Davidoff Winston Churchill cigars are thought of as the culmination of all the ideas of Randoff Churchill who happens to be the great-grandson of Winston Churchill. According to him, “A great cigar was Churchill’s favorite traveling companion and, whether he was being Statesman, Commander, or dinner party guest, he was rarely without one… he always had time for a cigar.”

The Davidoff Winston Churchill came in at number 3 on our top 25 cigars list.

Davidoff Millennium Blend Series

Buy Davidoff Millennium Blend Series
The Davidoff Millennium Blend Series is a luxury premium cigar that showcases a bold and intense tobacco leaf. It has a medium to full-bodied strength profile, but its smoothness and refined characteristic are still intact. This cigar gives off a white-pepper spice flavor with underlying creamy and earthy flavors alongside the sweetness of cocoa. It is wrapped up in a sun-grown Ecuadorian leaf which is exclusive to Davidoff tobacco products. Davidoff Millennium Blend Series is a cigar suitable for a seasoned smoker who likes to have a luxurious handmade premium cigar to smoke or put in his humidor.

Davidoff Grand Cru Series

Davidoff Grand Cru Series features a one-of-a-kind golden-brown Connecticut Shade wrapper and finely aged long-filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic. Each one of these is expertly rolled by experienced professional craftsmen. Davidoff Grand Cru is a mellow to mild cigar that gives off flavors of cream, spice, and earth. Davidoff has stringent quality control and inspection process which allows only the perfectly graded and well-constructed cigars to make the final cut to be enjoyed by a cigar lover.

Davidoff Signature Series

Buy Davidoff Cigars Special Series
Buy Davidoff Grand Cru Series

Davidoff Signature Series cigars are handmade cigars from the Dominican Republic. It offers a complex blending of high-quality tobaccos from up to four various harvests. These cigars are medium-bodied in strength profile. The Davidoff Cigars Special Series cigars are the most popular in the entire Davidoff offering.

Davidoff Nicaragua Series

Buy Davidoff Cigars Nicaragua Series

Davidoff Nicaragua cigars have been proven to be successful not only in acquiring high point ratings from popular cigar publications but more so from cigar smokers themselves who have a penchant for high-quality Nicaraguan tobaccos making them one of the finest cigars available.
This line features a complex blend crafted by renowned Henke Kelner from seed to cigar in over a decade.

This Davidoff cigar is bold yet balanced in its flavors and it comes with a unique type of bitterness brought by the volcanic soil of the popular tobacco-growing regions in Nicaragua. You will relish finishing it with its Habano-seed Rosado wrapper leaf. It also features spicy and a bit of salty notes and combined with a creamy earthiness together with leather, keeping the cigar’s strength just enough and not overpowering. Davidoff Nicaragua cigars offer you an intense smoking experience which is the perfect option for seasoned cigar smokers who are seeking a luxurious variety.

Davidoff Maduro Series

Buy Davidoff Maduro Series

Don’t pay retail price $535. Save big with the link above.

Davidoff Maduro Series cigars are premium handmade cigars that are likened to a decadent and aromatic not-so-sweet dessert. It gives you a slightly spicy character that is topped off by a high-grade blend of Dominican tobaccos encased in a sun-grown Criollo-seed Maduro wrapper. It is bold and smoky, yet it does not smother or overpower any smoker<.

Baccarat Rothschild

The Baccarat Rothschild cigar is celebrated for its captivating blend of flavors and top-shelf quality, courtesy of Davidoff and the meticulous crafting at the Camacho factory. The cigar, with a beautifully consistent golden-brown Connecticut shade wrapper, encapsulates an aged Havana-seed Honduran long filler and Mexican binder, providing a mildly spicy, woody cedar profile complemented by cocoa, nutmeg, and wheat notes. Despite its seemingly unimpressive sweet gum cap and slightly sloppy surface appearance, it has consistently charmed the reviewer’s palate with its intoxicating sweet and smoothly aromatic draw. Offering a gratifying 30 to 45-minute smoke and retailing at an approachable price, this Baccarat Rothschild is an exquisite mellow cigar, perfect for various occasions and pairings, earning a commendable score of 89.

Davidoff Yamasa Petit Churchill

After two decades of experimentation and cultivation in the once-swamplands of the Dominican Republic, the Davidoff Yamasa Petit Churchill emerged as a testament to master blender Henke Kelner’s dedication and expertise. This exquisite cigar, measuring only 4 inches long with a 48-ring gauge, encapsulates a rich blend of flavors, craftsmanship, and history. Its complex profile unfolds with spicy, earthy notes, evolving into a sweet symphony of cinnamon, nutmeg, and nuanced nuttiness, underpinned by hints of cedar and a surprising twist of milk chocolate in the final third. The cigar’s excellent construction complements its intriguing flavor transitions, offering a solid, uninterrupted smoking experience. Overall, the Davidoff Yamasa Petit Churchill is a medium-bodied, highly recommended choice for new enthusiasts and seasoned connoisseurs, promising a luxurious smoking journey for up to an hour.

Davidoff Aniversario No. 3

Davidoff Aniversario

Established in the 1900s, the Davidoff brand is renowned for its high-quality tobacco products, particularly its premium cigars, which have secured its status as one of the world’s leading producers. The brand’s commitment to using the finest tobaccos and its meticulous crafting process contribute to the exclusivity and high demand for its diverse cigar blends, including the core blend, Davidoff Aniversario No. 3. This luxurious cigar, measuring 6 inches with a 50-ring gauge, is notable for its sweet flavor profile, smoothness, and elegant design featuring an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper and Dominican Republic binder and filler leaves. However, despite its creamy smoke and good burn correction, its smoking experience is marked by an overpowering pepper note that seems to eclipse the other subtle flavors like earth, cedar, and honey. While the construction and certain flavor aspects may not meet every fan’s expectations, especially considering its higher price point, the cigar still holds merit due to its quality ingredients and potential pairing with beverages like blond beer or single malt whiskey, affirming that the Davidoff Aniversario No. 3 can provide a unique experience for enthusiasts willing to explore its nuanced palate.