Suggest the Best Cigar for Me

Suggest the Best Cigar for Me

Find the Best Cigar For You

The best way to find the best cigar for you is to try a bunch and see what you like the most.  However, with thousands of options available it’s not feasible. 

That’s why it’s best to start with some recommendations and see what you like the most. Answer a few questions about your preferences and we’ll give you our best recommendation for a cigar you’ll like.

There are a few main preferences that we ask before making a suggestion:

Get Your Personalized Cigar Recommendation from Answering 4 Questions

Preferences Used to Recommend the Best Cigar for You

Some sites rate cigars among five strengths and others among three.

Cigar Aficionado reviews cigars over the following strengths:

  • Mild (Mellow)
  • Mild-Medium
  • Medium
  • Medium-Full
  • Full lists cigars based on the following three strengths:

  • Mellow (Mild)
  • Medium
  • Full

Our tool uses the following four strengths to recommend the best cigar for you:

  • Mellow (Mild)
  • Medium
  • Medium-Full
  • Full

The two parent wrapper colors that you have to choose from are Natural (EMS) and Maduro.

Natural are light (typically refers to any wrapper that isn’t a maduro).

Maduro are dark (undergone a meticulous natural fermentation to achieve varying degrees of the lustrous, dark brown color and rich, often sweet, flavor for which they’re known).

Here are some of the common wrappers by category:

Natural (EMS)

  • Connecticut
  • Corojo
  • Habano
  • Sumatra


  • Cameroon
  • Candela
  • Broadleaf
  • Corojo
  • San Andres
  • San Andres Oscuro
Price is an important consideration for cigars, especially if you smoke daily. Our tool let’s you choose the best cigar for you based on price. These are the options you get to choose from:
  • Under $6/cigar
  • Under $8/cigar
  • Under $11/cigar
  • Under $20/cigar
  • Price doesn’t matter
Keep in mind that just because you select “Under $20/cigar”, it doesn’t mean you will be recommended one that is between $11 and $20. In some cases, you’ll get recommended at cigar under $8 if it’s the best cigar for your other choices. Picking an upper limit for price, doesn’t mean you will get recommended a cigar with a price at the upper limit.