There’s a good reason why Tatuaje cigars are among the most well-liked brands available in the cigar industry. Each cigar is handcrafted in Nicaragua with the highest care and attention to detail. The outcome is a cigar that is flavorful and suitable for any situation.
You may pick from a wide variety of Tatuaje cigars, so you’re sure to discover one that appeals to your taste. Tatuaje provides cigars for every palate, whether you want a mild cigar or a bold one. And because they’re handmade, each cigar is unique and has its flavor profile, just like the Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto cigar.
For those seeking a full-flavored great cigar, the Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto is a great option. This medium-bodied, medium-strength Tatuaje cigar is produced using a combination of Nicaraguan tobaccos that gives complexity.
Even the pickiest cigar aficionados will enjoy this cigar since it is such a wonderful treat. The Negociant Monopole should unquestionably be at the top of your list if you want to savor a premium cigar.
Wrapper Origin: N/A | Shape: Robusto |
Length: 5 | Ring: 52 |
Wrapper: Ecuadorian Connecticut | List Price: $250 (Box of 25) |
Origin: Nicaragua | Strength: Medium |
Appearance of Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto
The Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto cigar uses a Connecticut shade wrapper that is nicely rolled. The color of the wrapper is light brown, almost resembling a white chocolate color.
The wrapper also has a lovely sheen and is firm to the touch. In fact, there are no hard nor soft spots, just right. The veins are not too visible, along with its seams.
As for the band of this cigar, it uses a simple and thin band, yet it screams elegance based on how well it complements its wrapper’s color. The cigar band features shades of black and gold, which are something you could never go wrong with when connecting two colors.
The band uses a gold border to the black part of it, with the word “Tatuaje” inscribed in the middle cursively, using a gold color font. While nothing can be said regarding the details of the cigar band, since there’s almost none aside from the writing, it’s actually pretty to look at.
The cigar’s band seems to give way to the cigar. It’s super thin that you couldn’t even see it if you tried to move it away from your eyes. It’s just enough branding to let the smokers know that it’s from the cigar brand, “Tatuaje.”
Smoking Experience
During the first third of smoking the Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto cigar, the first thing that I noticed was its smoke output; it produces an ample amount of smoke that has a minimal buttery smell to it. For the flavor profile, the notes that I tasted are wood and buttery. There’s also a nuts note to it at the back of the palette, as well as a black pepper spice that is also present on the retro-hale. Basically, a whole mix of different flavors that I didn’t expect at all.
For my second third of smoking the Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto cigar, the flavor profile now became cedar and spice being its dominant flavor. The earth note also started to emerge alongside the buttery flavor of it, which I find a weird combo. The nutty flavor starts to mellow down a little bit, probably giving way to the earth note. As for the retro-hale, it continues to be a black pepper spice note, but like the nuts flavor note, it started to mellow down too. For the construction of this premium cigar, the smoke output is still as great during the first few puffs. I find the draw quite right, just enough resistance to have a taste of the flavors. However, the burn is not as razor-sharp, and the ash slowly falls off bit by bit. Still, it’s a good cigar at this point.
For my final third of smoking the Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto cigar, there’s a huge flavor transition going on here since the black pepper spice that was just present at the back of the flavor profile and the retro-hale became the dominant flavor along with a new emerging note, which is the leather flavor. The nuts turned into almonds, and the earth note started to become much more present at this point. Retro-hale consistently remains the spice but still not overpowering. As for the burn of this premium smoke, it started to become a little bit good, but still not razor sharp. The smoke output continues to be ample, and the draw is still as great as it was during the previous thirds.
Overall, I enjoyed smoking the Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto cigar, especially how the flavors transitioned and how the new flavors slowly became present as the smoke progressed.
The flavors were well-balanced and transitioned smoothly throughout the smoke. The initial flavor were butter, wood, and nuts, with a touch of black pepper spice. This gradually gave way to more of a black pepper spice flavor before finishing with cedar, almonds, leather, and earth. As for the strength, the cigar is indeed at the medium level or medium body.
I found the cigar to be well-constructed, too, with a good draw and ample amount of smoke output. While the burn is not so great alongside the ash, it still did a good job of making my overall smoking experience great. I would recommend it to others who are looking for a good, smooth-smoking cigar with interesting flavor transitions.
Anyone who enjoys smoking cigars might consider the Tatuaje Negociant Monopole No. 1 Robusto. You won’t be dissatisfied with this great cigar because it is such a good value for the money.