Best Cigar Prices:
At, we have two favorites for buying cigars:
- Look for cigars that are on sale on this page
- Search through auctions that are ending soon here: Go to Auctions
How to Get the Absolute Best Prices on Cigars
If you are looking for real steals, the best ways to save big on cigars is to either look for sales here or bid on auctions here.
Cigar Shops & Stores Near You in Your City:
When buying cigars, enthusiasts have the option to purchase from online retailers or local cigar shops. Local shops offer a hands-on experience, allowing customers to inspect the cigars, benefit from staff expertise, and enjoy a social setting. These shops also support the local economy and provide a range of products.
To navigate the world of cigars, one should understand the basics, including types, sizes, shapes, and construction elements like wrappers, binders, and fillers. Cigars are categorized by flavor and wrapper color, with mild cigars and lighter wrappers recommended for beginners. The size and shape of a cigar, described by length and ring gauge, affect the burn and flavor. The wrapper, binder, and filler each contribute to the cigar’s character.
When purchasing cigars from a local shop, consider the shop’s reputation and selection. Examine the cigar for even color, firmness, and a pleasant aroma. Ask staff for recommendations, and ensure proper storage post-purchase, using a humidor or a temporary solution like a zip-lock bag with a damp sponge, while avoiding direct sunlight and temperature extremes.
Browse for the best cigar shops and lounges by state and city to find the best one closest to you.