Cigars and sports have a storied connection, with many athletes and sports enthusiasts enjoying a good cigar as part of their leisure activities or celebratory rituals. In golf, it’s not uncommon to see players lighting up a cigar on the course, relishing the relaxing nature of the game with the complementary leisurely pace of a good smoke. Many golfers, including legendary figures like Arnold Palmer, have been known to enjoy a cigar while playing. In the world of motor racing, a victory cigar has often been a part of the celebration in the winner’s circle, symbolizing the thrill of victory and the culmination of hard work. Boxing, too, has a rich history with cigars. Many of the sport’s greats, including Mike Tyson and George Foreman, are cigar aficionados. Even spectators often smoke cigars during these events, adding to the overall experience. The interplay between cigars and sports underscores cigar culture’s celebratory and social aspects, extending its reach beyond mere consumption to become part of the broader rituals and experiences associated with various sports.
- Cigar and golf: Courses, Tournaments, Clubhouses
- Cigar and racing: Cars, Horses, Bikes
- Cigar and boxing: Fights, Champions, Legends
- Cigar and baseball: Games, Players, Hall of Fame
- Cigar and football: Matches, Teams, Players
- Cigar and basketball: Games, Players, Hall of Fame
- Cigar and hockey: Games, Players, Teams
- Cigar and soccer: Matches, Teams, Players
- Cigar and tennis: Tournaments, Players, Legends
- Cigar and skiing: Resorts, Races, Equipment
- Cigar and surfing: Beaches, Competitions, Equipment
- Cigar and cycling: Races, Tours, Equipment
- Cigar and swimming: Pools, Competitions, Techniques
- Cigar and running: Marathons, Races, Training
- Cigar and martial arts: Tournaments, Techniques, History
- Cigar and fishing: Lakes, Rivers, Equipment
- Cigar and hunting: Game, Weapons, Equipment
- Cigar and mountaineering: Expeditions, Climbing, Equipment
- Cigar and extreme sports: Skydiving, Bungee jumping, Snowboarding
- Cigar and sportsmanship: Etiquette, Fair play, Respect