The Cigar History Museum is a fascinating destination for anyone interested in the history of cigars. The museum is dedicated to preserving and showcasing the rich history of cigars, cigar boxes, cigar labels, cigar making, cigar cutters, cigar premiums, cigar tools, cigar promotions, and other things cigars in the U.S. and around the world. The museum’s extensive collection of exhibits and artifacts provides visitors with an in-depth look at the history of cigars and their impact on society.
Visitors to the Cigar History Museum can explore a variety of exhibits, including displays of antique cigar boxes, cigar cutters, and other cigar-related memorabilia. The museum’s collection of vintage cigar labels is awe-inspiring, featuring thousands of examples from around the world. In addition to the displays, the museum offers guided tours of its exhibits and working factories, providing visitors with an up-close look at the cigar-making process.
Whether you’re a cigar aficionado or simply interested in the history of this iconic product, the Cigar History Museum is a must-visit destination. With its extensive collection of exhibits and artifacts, as well as its guided tours and working factory, the museum offers a unique and immersive experience that will delight visitors of all ages.
The Cigar History Museum in Ybor City, Tampa, is a must-visit destination for cigar aficionados and history buffs. The museum boasts an impressive collection of artifacts, exhibits, and tours that showcase cigar-making’s rich history and culture in the United States and worldwide.
Permanent Exhibits
The museum’s permanent exhibits offer a comprehensive look at cigar-making history, from the early days of hand-rolling to the modern era of machine-made cigars. Visitors can explore a variety of exhibitions, including:
- The Cigar Factory: This exhibit recreates a traditional cigar factory with vintage cigar-making equipment and tools.
- The Cigar Box: This exhibit showcases the art and design of cigar boxes used to protect and market cigars.
- The Tobacco Plantation: This exhibit explores the history of tobacco cultivation, from the early days of Native American farming to the modern era of mechanized agriculture.
Temporary Exhibits
In addition to its permanent exhibits, the museum hosts various temporary exhibitions throughout the year. These exhibits showcase a range of topics related to cigar-making, including the history of specific brands, the art of cigar-making, and the cultural significance of cigars in different parts of the world.
Some of the museum’s past temporary exhibits have included:
- The Art of Cigar-Box Label Design: This exhibit showcased the intricate and colorful designs used to decorate cigar boxes in the early 20th century.
- The History of Cuban Cigars: This exhibit explored the rich history and culture of Cuban cigars, which are widely considered some of the best cigars in the world.
- The Cigar in American Culture: This exhibit examined the role of cigars in American culture, from their popularity among politicians and celebrities to their use in popular media.
Whether you’re a seasoned cigar smoker or simply interested in the history of tobacco and cigar-making, the Cigar History Museum is a fascinating destination that offers a wealth of exhibits, artifacts, and tours to explore.
Cigar-making Tools
The J.C. Newman Cigar Factory Museum houses an extensive collection of cigar-making tools, including vintage cigar presses, cutters, and molds. These artifacts provide a glimpse into the history of cigar production and the techniques used by cigar makers of the past. Visitors can see how the tools have evolved and learn about the tools used in various stages of the cigar-making process.
Cigar Boxes and Labels
The museum also features a collection of historic cigar boxes and labels. These artifacts showcase the artistry and creativity that went into designing cigar packaging in the past. Visitors can see how cigar boxes and labels have evolved and learn about the styles and themes that were popular in different eras. The collection includes boxes and titles from some of history’s most famous cigar brands, such as Arturo Fuente, Diamond Crown, and La Aurora.
Historic Cigars
The J.C. Newman Cigar Factory Museum has a collection of historic cigars that date back to the early 20th century. These cigars are preserved in their original packaging and provide a unique glimpse into the history of cigar production. Visitors can see how cigars’ size, shape, and flavor have changed over time and learn about the different types of tobacco used in different eras. The collection includes cigars from some of history’s most famous cigar makers, such as Arturo Fuente, Padron, and H. Upmann.
Guided Tours
The Cigar History Museum offers guided tours for visitors to learn about the history of cigars and cigar-making. The guided tours are led by knowledgeable tour guides who will take visitors through the museum’s exhibitions and artifacts, providing information and answering questions. The tours are available Monday through Friday at 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m., and 1:00 p.m. Due to cigar production, these are the only times the museum can accommodate tours. Visitors are advised to pre-book their tours to ensure their desired tour time is available. The tour costs $15 for adults and $12 for seniors, students, and veterans.
Self-Guided Tours
For visitors who prefer to explore the museum at their own pace, self-guided tours are available. Visitors can pick up a museum guide at the entrance and independently explore the exhibitions and artifacts. The guide provides information about the exhibits and artifacts, and visitors are welcome to ask the museum staff if they have any questions. The cost of self-guided tours is included in the admission fee.
Virtual Tours
For those who cannot visit the museum in person, the Cigar History Museum offers virtual tours. The virtual tours allow visitors to explore the museum’s exhibitions and artifacts from the comfort of their own homes. The virtual tours are available on the museum’s website and are free.
History of Cuban Cigars
Cuba is known as one of the world’s most famous cigar-producing countries, and its cigar history is deeply intertwined with the country’s political history. One of the most significant events in Cuban cigar history was the Cuban Revolution of 1959, which Fidel Castro led. The revolution significantly impacted the country’s cigar industry, as before the revolution, Cuba was a major exporter of tobacco and cigars to the United States. However, the US government imposed a trade embargo on Cuba in 1960, which effectively cut off the country’s access to the American market. Despite this setback, the Cuban cigar industry continued to thrive, and today, Cuban cigars remain some of the most sought-after and highly prized cigars in the world.
Fidel Castro was a well-known cigar enthusiast who often smoked cigars in public. He was even known to give cigars as gifts to visiting dignitaries and heads of state. Castro’s love of cigars was so well-known that it became a part of his public image, and he is often associated with the iconic Cuban cigar. The Cuban government has continued to support the country’s cigar industry, and today, Cuban cigars remain a major source of revenue for the country. Despite the ongoing trade embargo, many cigar enthusiasts around the world continue to seek out Cuban cigars, which are widely regarded as some of the best cigars in the world.
Cigar History Books & Literature
Cigar history books are an excellent way to learn about cigars’ rich history and culture. These books offer a wealth of information on a variety of topics, including the origins of cigar smoking, the history of tobacco cultivation, and the evolution of the modern cigar industry. One notable author in this field is Davidoff of Geneva, who has written several books on the subject, including “The Story of Davidoff Cigars” and “Davidoff Cigars: 50 Years of Innovation.” These books provide a comprehensive overview of the history and culture of cigars and are a great resource for anyone interested in this fascinating subject.
Another notable author in the field of cigars in books is Nick Hammond, who wrote “Around the World in 80 Cigars.” This book takes readers on a journey around the world to explore the different cultures and traditions associated with cigar smoking. From Cuba to the Dominican Republic, from London to New York, this book provides a fascinating insight into the world of cigars and the people who enjoy them. Other notable authors in this field include James Suckling, who wrote “Cigars: The Guide to the World’s Finest Cigars,” and Anwer Bati, who wrote “The Cigar Companion: A Connoisseur’s Guide.” These books offer a wealth of information and are a must-read for anyone interested in the history and culture of cigars.