CBD is one of more than 110 cannabinoids produced by cannabis. The hemp plant contains a lot of it. Another cannabinoid is THC. CBD unlike THC is not intoxicating. Both THC and CBD are popular for their therapeutic benefits. These benefits are associated with their effects on the body’s endocannabinoid system or ECS. The ECS has endocannabinoids that bind receptors that are found all over the body. ECS regulates pain, memory, appetite, and other aspects.
Only a few people must have heard about excitotoxicity within the brain. This has a major role when it comes to neurodegenerative diseases. This is a term for describing the damage brought about by too much activity in brain cells due to overstimulation. Excitotoxicity is what happens after a traumatic brain injury, stroke, or hearing loss. This can be addressed by CBD.
Studies also show the possibility that CBD can reduce oxidative stress, occurring at the cellular level. Once cells generate energy, they produce free radicals. There are many environmental toxins that cause this waste product. To fight free radicals, the body uses antioxidants.
Excessive levels of free radicals may lead to loss of DNA particles which is the attributive cause of mental conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. According to a 2014 published study in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, long-term use of CBD products result in antioxidative and anti-inflammatory benefits.
In 2019, a study was published in the Neuropsychopharmacology journal that shows CBD’s impact on brain excitation and inhibition systems. CBD also has the potential to regulate symptoms of ASD or autism spectrum disorder. However, further studies are needed.
What gives CBD a lot of possibilities is its impact on the serotonin 1A receptor. This enables CBD to help in dealing with conditions like anxiety disorders, depression, and neuropathic pain. It can also help reduce opioid dependence. Opioids kill almost 1,000 people daily in the US alone. By allowing less dependence on it, CBD is worth more studies.
CBD is also famous for its potential to cure treatment-resistant forms of childhood epilepsy. Some of the exciting and enlightening effects of CBD include promoting nerve cell health and vitality, reducing sleep apnea symptoms, hippocampus enlargement, neuroprotective benefits, promoting muscle tone and the ability to move smoothly, promoting memory, better mood, and executive function, etc.