Ashton cigars have a rich history that spans over three decades. The brand is known for producing some of the finest premium cigars in the world. Its commitment to quality and tradition has earned it a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts. From its humble beginnings in Philadelphia to its current status as a premier cigar brand, Ashton has remained true to its roots while continuing to innovate and push the boundaries of what a premium cigar can be.
The story of Ashton Cigars begins in 1985 when Robert Levin and his father, Sigmund, founded the brand. The original Ashton was released in six sizes and quickly gained a reputation for its exceptional quality and flavor. Today, Ashton cigars are still handmade in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic, using only the finest aged tobaccos. The brand has expanded its offerings, but its commitment to excellence has remained strong.
For those who appreciate the finer things in life, Ashton cigars are a must-try. Whether you’re a seasoned cigar aficionado or a newcomer to the world of premium cigars, the quality and craftsmanship of Ashton cigars is sure to impress. With a rich history and a commitment to tradition, Ashton is a premium cigar brand that is here to stay.
History of Ashton Cigars
Ashton Cigars is a premium cigar brand in the market since 1985. The brand was founded by Robert Levin, who had vast experience in the cigar industry, having worked with his father in his cigar company. Ashton cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic from only the finest aged tobaccos, and they have become one of the world’s most revered premium cigar brands.
Ashton Cigars was born in the early 1980s in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The original Ashton was released in six sizes: 8-9-8, Churchill, Corona, Panatela, Prime Minister, and Sovereign. The brand quickly gained popularity and was soon recognized as one of the top three cigar brands in the US.
Partnership with Fuente Family
Ashton Cigars partnered with the Fuente family, who are renowned for their expertise in cigar making. The cigars are made in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic. The partnership has helped Ashton Cigars maintain its reputation for quality and consistency.
Expansion and Success
Ashton Cigars continued to expand its portfolio and introduced new brands such as Ashton Classic, Ashton VSG, and Ashton ESG. The Ashton Classic is a mild and smooth cigar, while the Ashton VSG is a full-bodied cigar with a rich flavor. The Ashton ESG is a limited edition cigar made from rare tobaccos and is highly sought after by cigar enthusiasts.
The brand’s success is attributed to its commitment to quality and consistency. Ashton Cigars has won numerous awards and accolades, including the Cigar Aficionado rating of 94 for the Ashton VSG. The brand is also a member of the Cigar Rights of America (CRA), which advocates for the rights of cigar enthusiasts.
In conclusion, Ashton Cigars has a rich history that spans over three decades. The brand’s commitment to quality and consistency has helped it become one of the world’s most respected premium cigar brands. Its partnership with the Fuente family and its expansion into new brands have helped it maintain its success and popularity among cigar enthusiasts.
Patience and Expertise
Ashton Cigars are renowned for their exceptional quality and flavor. One of the reasons for this is the patience and expertise that goes into their production. From the selection of the tobacco to the rolling and aging process, every step is carefully executed with precision.
The process begins with selecting the finest tobacco from the Dominican Republic. The leaves are carefully chosen for their flavor and aroma, and only the best are used in the production of Ashton Cigars. This selection process requires a great deal of patience, as it can take years to find the perfect tobacco.
Once the tobacco has been selected, expert rollers roll it by hand. This skill takes years to master, and the rollers at Ashton Cigars are some of the best in the world. The rolling process requires great patience and expertise, as the rollers must ensure that each cigar is rolled to the perfect size and shape.
After the cigars have been rolled, they are placed in aging rooms, where they are monitored and rotated regularly. This aging process can take up to two years, and it is during this time, the flavors and aromas of the tobacco are allowed to develop fully.
The result of this patient and expert process is a truly exceptional cigar in quality and flavor. Ashton Cigars are enjoyed by cigar lovers all over the world, and their reputation for excellence continues to grow.
People Behind Ashton Cigars
Robert Levin
Robert Levin is the founder of Ashton Cigars, a highly respected cigar industry veteran. He grew up working in his father’s historic cigar shop, Holt’s Cigar Company, in Philadelphia during the 1950s and ’60s. Levin took over the business in the 1970s and successfully expanded its retail and mail-order presence. In the early 1980s, he established Ashton Cigars, which has become one of the top three cigar brands in the US for about three decades.
Sathya Levin
Robert Levin’s wife, Sathya Levin, is also involved. She has been instrumental in developing Ashton’s branding and marketing strategy. Sathya’s contributions have helped establish Ashton Cigars as a premium brand in the cigar industry.
Carlos Fuente Sr.
Carlos Fuente Sr. was a close friend of Robert Levin and played a significant role in the creation of Ashton Cigars. He owned the Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia, a renowned cigar company in the Dominican Republic. Together with Levin, Fuente developed the blend for Ashton’s first cigar, the Ashton Classic. The blend was created using Dominican long-fillers and a Connecticut Shade wrapper.
Carlito Fuente
Carlito Fuente, Carlos Fuente Sr.’s son, is also involved in the Ashton Cigars business. He is the president of Tabacalera A. Fuente y Cia and has been responsible for creating some of the company’s most famous cigars. Carlito has been instrumental in ensuring that Ashton Cigars maintain high quality and consistency.
The Garcia Family
The Garcia family, who own the My Father Cigars factory in Nicaragua, also plays a role in Ashton Cigars. They are responsible for rolling some of the company’s cigars, including the Ashton Symmetry. The Garcia family has a long history in the cigar industry and has been producing high-quality cigars for generations.
Overall, the people behind Ashton Cigars have a wealth of experience and knowledge in the cigar industry. Their contributions have helped establish Ashton as a premium brand known for its quality and consistency.
Ashton Cigars has a rich history that spans over three decades. Founded in the early 1980s by Robert Levin, a veteran in the cigar industry, Ashton quickly became one of the top three cigar brands in the US and is now sold in over 60 countries. The company’s commitment to quality and craftsmanship has made it a favorite among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Ashton cigars are handmade in the legendary Tabacalera A. Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic from only the finest aged tobaccos. The company has released numerous lines, each with its unique flavor profile and character. From the classic Ashton line to the recent La Aroma de Cuba and San Cristobal, Ashton has something to offer every cigar lover.
Ashton’s success can be attributed to its founder’s passion for cigars and dedication to creating a premium product. Robert Levin’s experience in the cigar industry, working with his father in his cigar company, gave him a unique perspective and helped him create a brand that would stand the test of time.
In conclusion, Ashton Cigars has a long and storied history that has made it one of the world’s most respected and beloved cigar brands. With its commitment to quality and craftsmanship, Ashton will remain a favorite among cigar enthusiasts for many years.