Cohiba is one of the most iconic cigar brands in the world, known for producing high-quality cigars enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts all over the globe. The history of Cohiba is a rich and fascinating one, spanning several decades and involving political upheaval, nationalization, and the birth of a non-Cuban brand.
What Was Cohiba Like Before the Company Was Nationalized?
Cohiba was first created in the 1960s as a private label for Fidel Castro and other high-ranking Cuban officials. The cigars were made with the best tobacco available in Cuba and were only available to a select few. Castro was said to be a massive fan of Cohiba cigars and would often give them as gifts to foreign dignitaries.
Nationalization of Cohiba
In 1960, the Cuban government nationalized the country’s cigar industry, including the Cohiba brand. The brand was then made available to the public, and it quickly gained a reputation for being one of the best cigars in the world. The Cuban Cohiba brand is still owned by the Cuban government and is produced exclusively in Cuba.
Non-Cuban Cohiba
In the 1980s, a non-Cuban version of Cohiba was created by General Cigar Company in the Dominican Republic. The non-Cuban Cohiba brand was made to appeal to the American market, which could not import Cuban cigars due to the embargo. The non-Cuban Cohiba brand is now owned by General Cigar Company and is produced in the Dominican Republic.
Cigars Under the Cohiba Brand
The Cuban Cohiba brand produces several different lines of cigars, including the Cohiba Behike, Cohiba Siglo, and Cohiba Maduro. These cigars are made with the best tobacco available in Cuba and are known for their exceptional flavor and construction.
The non-Cuban Cohiba brand also produces several different lines of cigars, including the Cohiba Red Dot, Cohiba Black, and Cohiba Nicaragua. These cigars are made with tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua and are known for their rich flavor and complexity.
Comparison of Cuban and Non-Cuban Cohiba
While the Cuban and non-Cuban Cohiba brands are known for producing high-quality cigars, the two have some differences. Cuban Cohiba cigars are made with tobacco grown exclusively in Cuba, giving them a unique flavor profile that cannot be replicated elsewhere. Non-Cuban Cohiba cigars, on the other hand, are made with tobacco from other countries, which gives them a different flavor profile. Some cigar enthusiasts prefer the flavor of Cuban Cohiba cigars, while others prefer the flavor of non-Cuban Cohiba cigars.
Another difference between the Cuban and non-Cuban Cohiba brands is the availability of cigars. Cuban Cohiba cigars are only available in a few countries due to the United States’ embargo on Cuban products. Non-Cuban Cohiba cigars are widely available and can be purchased in many countries worldwide.
In conclusion, the history of Cohiba cigars is fascinating, spanning several decades and involving political upheaval and the birth of a non-Cuban brand. While the Cuban and non-Cuban Cohiba brands are different in some ways, they are both known for producing high-quality cigars enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts worldwide. Whether you prefer the flavor of Cuban Cohiba cigars or non-Cuban Cohiba cigars, there is no denying that Cohiba is one of the most iconic cigar brands in the world.