Helix, a distinguished name in the world of cigars, has been delighting aficionados with its exceptional craftsmanship and rich heritage for decades. With roots tracing back to its inception in 2002, Helix has consistently upheld a tradition of excellence in producing premium cigars that embody the perfect blend of art and expertise. Renowned for its dedication to quality and an unwavering commitment to using the finest tobaccos, Helix has earned a special place in the hearts of cigar enthusiasts worldwide. In this introduction, we will delve into the fascinating history, meticulous craftsmanship, and unique qualities that set Helix apart in the realm of premium cigars.
Helix X550
While full-bodied cigars are significant in the premium segment, mellow cigars like the Helix X550 offer a delicate blend of subtlety and richness, catering to smokers who prefer a lighter touch. Purchased on sale, the Helix X550 is hand-crafted in Honduras and is known for its consistently good smoke, rich flavors, and affordable price point. This cigar comes with two wrapper options: U.S. Connecticut Shade or Maduro. The author notes the cigar’s well-balanced draw, aromatic floral scent, and flavorful profile, which includes toasted bread, hazelnut, and a creamy texture. As the smoke progresses, flavors transition, maintaining its mild body throughout. The Helix X550 is also visually distinctive with its helix pattern exterior and is made using a unique blend of Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican Piloto Cubano, and Honduran tobaccos. Though wishing for more depth in flavor transition, its symmetrical burn, perfect draw, and overall quality are worth a rating of 89. Despite its lesser-known status, the Helix X550 proves its worth as a cigar to revisit regularly.