J. Fuego is a renowned cigar brand that epitomizes the artistry and tradition of cigar making. With a rich history dating back generations, J. Fuego cigars are a testament to the passion and expertise of the Fuego family. Their dedication to crafting premium cigars using the finest tobacco leaves worldwide results in a smoking experience. Each J. Fuego cigar is a masterpiece, carefully rolled and aged to perfection, delivering a symphony of flavors that delight the senses. Whether you’re a seasoned fan or a newcomer to the world of cigars, J. Fuego offers a diverse range of blends and sizes to satisfy every palate. Explore the world of J. Fuego and indulge in the timeless pleasure of a well-crafted cigar.
Vudu Broadleaf Robusto
Amid an afternoon of cigar-selection indecision, the Vudu Broadleaf Robusto, a creation of master blender Jesus Fuego, stood out with its rich, chocolate-hued Pennsylvania Broadleaf wrapper and striking, skull-adorned band, suggesting luxury beyond its price. Its impeccable construction promises a flavorful journey, starting with a leathery sweetness before lighting and evolving into a complex profile of earth, spice, and subtle espresso notes, all enhanced by the Maduro wrapper’s richness. Despite initial high expectations, this cigar surprises with its consistent quality, complex flavor profile, and smooth smoking experience, earning a well-deserved 90 score and making it an ideal choice for leisurely activities, especially when paired with bourbon or coffee; indeed, the Vudu Broadleaf Robusto is a hidden treasure awaiting discovery.
Vudu San Andres Robusto
Master-blender Jesus Fuego of J. Fuego Cigar Company crafted the Vudu San Andres, an exclusive line under Famous Smoke Shop’s brand, known for its economical pricing and rich flavors. The Robusto, in particular, stands out with its sleek presentation, featuring a chocolate brown Mexican San Andres wrapper and a unique blend of Honduran and Nicaraguan tobaccos, all under an ornate black-and-gold band. Despite initial skepticism due to its lesser-known brand, the cigar impresses with a well-packed, velvety texture and complex flavor profile that evolves from spicy and resinous coffee notes to an earthy tapestry highlighted by cedar, toast, citrus, and buttercream. The final third swells with rich cedar, espresso, and cocoa flavors, perfectly balanced with a zesty, earthy finish. Excellent construction ensures a smooth draw and burn, contributing to a delightful smoking experience. Despite a lack of flavor transitions, its refined taste, balance, and affordability lead to a high recommendation, with the Vudu San Andres Robusto earning a well-deserved 89.