Joya de Nicaragua is a revered name in the world of cigars, embodying a rich legacy dating back to 1968. Nestled in the heart of Nicaragua, this esteemed brand has consistently crafted exceptional cigars that epitomize the artistry and passion of Nicaraguan tobacco cultivation. With meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to preserving the country’s tobacco heritage, Joya de Nicaragua has earned a well-deserved reputation for producing cigars of unparalleled flavor, complexity, and character. From the earthy depths of its tobacco blends to the masterful craftsmanship in every hand-rolled cigar, Joya de Nicaragua invites aficionados to embark on a sensory journey that celebrates the essence of Nicaragua’s tobacco tradition.
Joya De Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Robusto Grande
Joya de Nicaragua, once a favored brand for US presidents due to its authentic Nicaraguan puro flavor, faced challenges following the onset of communist rule in Nicaragua. Despite being cherished by veterans, the brand struggled to regain its market foothold. In an attempt to resurrect its past glory, the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño was reintroduced in 2002 with a remarkable 1970 throwback release, a nod to the brand’s golden era before political disruptions. This re-release, “Antaño” – meaning ‘yesteryear’ in Spanish – had its leaves specially aged and cured. According to reviews, including one from Cigar Aficionado, the Joya De Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Robusto Grande offers a complex flavor profile and has been rated above 90 multiple times over the past decade.
Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Dark Corojo La Niveladora
Nicaraguan puros, particularly strong ones like the six-inch Joya Dark Corojo La Niveladora, are a notable indulgence for aficionados. ‘La Niveladora’ translates to ‘the bulldozer,’ indicating its robust flavor profile. This review assesses the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Dark Corojo La Niveladora, focusing on its complexity, body, and value for enthusiasts of potent, well-constructed cigars. The cigar, renowned for its full strength, features an elegant, velvety, dark wrapper contrasted with a striking gold band. It presents an array of flavors from cocoa and pepper to floral notes, evolving into a heavier, distinctly full taste profile towards the end. With a smoking time of over an hour, its rich, spicy, and creamy notes, coupled with a composition of three-year-old long filler Nicaraguan tobaccos, justify its price point, meriting an 88 rating and making the Joya de Nicaragua Antaño Dark Corojo La Niveladora a commendable choice for those seeking a complex, satisfying smoke.
Joya de Nicaragua Silver
Joya de Nicaragua, a cigar manufacturer renowned for over 50 years of excellence, produces some of the finest cigars out of Nicaragua, beloved by aficionados worldwide. Among its esteemed products, the Joya de Nicaragua Silver stands out for its full-bodied yet smooth flavor profile, perfect for those seeking a quality Nicaraguan cigar. This Robusto-shaped cigar, with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Mexican binder, and Nicaraguan fillers, presents a complex blend of pepper, nuts, coffee, and subtle cocoa, evolving to include hay and creaminess in the final third. Despite minor inconsistencies in draw tightness, its construction impresses, particularly with firm ash, even burn, and generous smoke output. Indeed, the Joya de Nicaragua Silver offers a premium, well-balanced smoking experience, worthy of both special occasions and gift-giving, ensuring you get value for its $150 price tag for a box of 20.