La Gloria Cubana cigars’ history is rich and storied, dating back to the late 19th century. The brand was created in 1885 by the Sociedad Cabañas y Castro, a small Cuban company known for producing high-quality cigars. From its humble beginnings, La Gloria Cubana grew to become one of the world’s most respected and sought-after cigar brands.
The Early Years
La Gloria Cubana began as a small Cuban brand in 1885. It was created by the Sociedad Cabañas y Castro and found initial success among local artisan smokers. It had a great flavor and price and was rolled in sizes that accented its profile perfectly.
In 1905, the brand was purchased by José F. Rocha, who manufactured the brand’s habanos in his factory at 364 Miguel Street in Havana, Cuba. Rocha was a skilled cigar maker known for his attention to detail and commitment to quality. Under his leadership, La Gloria Cubana continued to grow and gain popularity among cigar enthusiasts around the world.
After Rocha died in 1954, the Cifuentes family bought La Gloria Cubana and Bolivar from Rocha’s former company. The Cifuentes family was also known for their dedication to quality and producing the finest cigars. Under their leadership, La Gloria Cubana continued to thrive and gain a reputation as one of the best cigar brands in the world.
Expansion and Recognition
In the 1960s, the Cifuentes family expanded the La Gloria Cubana brand beyond Cuba. They began to produce cigars in the Dominican Republic, which allowed them to reach a wider audience and expand their customer base. The Dominican Republic was known for producing high-quality tobacco, and the Cifuentes family took advantage of this to make some of the finest cigars in the world.
In the 1990s, La Gloria Cubana received widespread recognition for its cigars. In 1992, Cigar Aficionado magazine named the La Gloria Cubana Series R No. 4 the “Best Cigar of the Year.” This recognition helped to solidify the brand’s reputation as one of the best in the world and helped to increase its popularity among cigar enthusiasts.
In 1999, the Cifuentes family sold the La Gloria Cubana brand to General Cigar Company, one of the world’s largest cigar manufacturers. Under General Cigar Company, La Gloria Cubana continued to expand and gain popularity. They began to produce more varieties of cigars, including the La Gloria Cubana Serie N, which was released in 2011 and quickly became a fan favorite.
In addition to producing high-quality cigars, La Gloria Cubana has also been involved in various philanthropic efforts. In 2009, they partnered with the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation to build a school in the Dominican Republic. The school provides education and support to children in the area and has helped to improve the lives of many families in the community.
Today, La Gloria Cubana continues to be one of the world’s most respected and sought-after cigar brands. Their commitment to quality and dedication to producing the finest cigars has earned them a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts. They continue to make various cigars, including the La Gloria Cubana Serie R, Serie N, and the original La Gloria Cubana blend.
In conclusion, the history of La Gloria Cubana is a testament to the power of dedication and commitment to quality. From its humble beginnings in Cuba to its current status as one of the most respected cigar brands in the world, La Gloria Cubana has remained committed to producing the finest cigars possible. Their dedication to quality has earned them a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts, and their philanthropic efforts have helped improve the lives of many people worldwide.