Cigar Industry News: Latest Developments, Business Updates, and Mergers to Keep an Eye On

The cigar industry is a constantly evolving and dynamic market, with new developments and business updates continually emerging. The industry has undergone many significant changes in recent years, including mergers and acquisitions, new product launches, and regulations. Keeping up with the latest developments in the cigar industry is essential for anyone who wants to stay informed about this exciting and fast-paced market.

One of the most significant recent developments in the cigar industry has been the rise of boutique cigar brands. These smaller, independent companies have gained popularity in recent years thanks to their focus on quality and craftsmanship. Many cigar enthusiasts are turning to boutique brands for unique and flavorful smoking experiences that they need help finding with more prominent, established brands. As a result, many boutique brands have been experiencing rapid growth and expansion in recent years.

Another significant trend in the cigar industry is the push towards more sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Many cigar manufacturers are reducing their carbon footprint and minimizing waste, while others are exploring new, eco-friendly materials and production methods. These efforts are not only good for the environment, but they also help to build a more socially responsible and sustainable industry for the future.

Latest Developments

The cigar industry has seen several recent developments that are worth noting. For example, the Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) has announced that it will return to the 2023 Premium Cigar Association (PCA) trade show as an exhibitor. This decision is seen as a positive development for the industry, as STG is a major player in the market.

Another exciting development is the expansion plans of the Forged Cigar Company. According to a statement from STG, the company plans to grow its clientele by opening 6-8 additional superstores by 2022-2023. This move is expected to increase the company’s market share and cement its position as a leading player in the industry.

Recent legislative developments have also impacted the cigar industry. For example, the Premium Cigar Association (PCA) calls on all cigar retailers, consumers, and those who care about the future of the premium cigar sector in California to join in opposing Assembly Bill 935, introduced by California Assemblymember Damon Connolly. This bill proposes a generational smoking ban prohibiting anyone born after January 1, 2000, from buying or possessing tobacco products. This development is seen as a potential threat to the industry, as it could reduce the number of potential customers.

Finally, the recent lawsuit between the FDA and the three leading cigar industry organizations has also been a significant development. The case sought to challenge the FDA’s decision to regulate premium cigars in the same way as cigarettes. The industry organizations argued that premium cigars should be treated differently, as they are different products with different health risks. The judge’s opinion on the lawsuit is seen as a positive development for the industry, as it could change how premium cigars are regulated.

Business Updates

As of April 2023, the cigar industry has seen several business updates worth noting. One of the major updates is the expansion plans of the Forged Cigar Company. According to a statement from Scandinavian Tobacco Group AS (STG), the company plans to expand its coverage of the American market. The expansion plan involves opening 6-8 additional superstores by 2022-2023. This move is expected to increase the company’s clientele and revenue.

Another update is the release of two limited editions under the 601 brand by Espinosa Premium Cigars. The 601 Orange and 601 Yellow are the latest additions to the brand. The 601 Orange features a Brazilian Cubra Rosado wrapper, while the 601 Yellow features an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. These limited editions are expected to attract cigar enthusiasts looking for new and unique flavors.

Furthermore, Lampert Cigars has begun shipping its latest line, Edición MORADO, to select shops. The line features a 6 x 52 TORO and is expected to be released widely in mid-April. This move will attract new customers and increase the company’s revenue.

Finally, California has introduced a generational smoking ban, which is being opposed by the Premium Cigar Association (PCA). The ban, introduced by California Assemblymember Damon Connolly, prohibits anyone born after January 1, 2000, from buying or possessing tobacco products. The PCA is calling on all cigar retailers and consumers to oppose the bill, as it could harm the future of the premium cigar sector in California.


The cigar industry has seen many mergers in recent years, with large companies acquiring smaller ones to expand their market share and increase profitability. One of the most significant mergers in the industry was the $20 billion merger between British American Tobacco and Reynolds American in 2017, which created the world’s largest publicly traded tobacco company. Another notable merger was the $1.2 billion merger between Imperial Brands and Tabacalera in 2018, which allowed Imperial Brands to expand its presence in the premium cigar market.

The cigar industry has recently seen a slowdown in mergers and acquisitions due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic uncertainty. According to a report by Reuters, global mergers and acquisitions activity shrank to its lowest level in more than a decade in the first quarter of 2023, as rising interest rates, high inflation, and fears of a recession have made companies more cautious about making significant investments.

Despite the slowdown in mergers and acquisitions, some notable deals are still happening in the cigar industry. One recent example is the merger between Scandinavian Tobacco Group and Swedish Match AB, valued at $40 million. This merger allowed the Scandinavian Tobacco Group to expand its presence in the premium cigar market and gain access to new distribution channels.

For more information about the best cigars and other ways to relax make sure to come back to Scotch & Cigars here.

Glyn Caddell

Glyn Caddell