Gurkha, a legendary name in the world of cigars, has carved a niche for itself with a rich history dating back to the 19th century. Renowned for its exquisite craftsmanship and exceptional blends, Gurkha cigars have become synonymous with luxury and opulence. From the ornate packaging to the meticulously hand-rolled cigars, each offering from Gurkha embodies a commitment to quality and a dedication to the art of cigar making. With a diverse range of flavors and strengths, Gurkha caters to the discerning palate of cigar aficionados worldwide, making it a brand that stands as a testament to the enduring allure of fine cigars.
Gurkha Beauty
The Gurkha Beauty cigar, handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, boasts a rich lineage in tobacco craftsmanship. Exhibiting a medium-bodied profile, this cigar is encased in an Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper with Dominican and Nicaraguan blends inside, presenting a velvety and light brown exterior. It uniquely features two distinct bands; the primary displays an antique soldier motif, while the secondary highlights the word “Beauty” against a sleek black backdrop. As for the smoking experience unfurls with sweet and creamy undertones, evolving gradually into nuttier notes with hints of pepper, especially in the final third. Although some minor inconsistencies in burn and ash were noticed, its overall performance and flavors made it a satisfying smoke. Pairing well with an espresso, the Gurkha Beauty is a commendable choice for both novices and seasoned cigar aficionados.
Gurkha Beast
The Gurkha cigar company is famed for its high-end cigars, and one notable offering is the Gurkha Beast. This full-bodied cigar captivates with an initial sweetness that evolves throughout the smoking experience. It’s featured in the Gurkha Cigarnivore #3 Sampler and is characterized by its Costa Rican origin, Gordo shape, and a robust 6.5 length with a 58 ring. The Beast boasts an intricate blend of Dominican, Honduran, and Columbian tobaccos enveloped by an oily, dark brown Costa Rican wrapper. It carries two distinct bands, with the primary band depicting a traditional soldier design and the secondary one labeled “Beast,” contrasting in color and style. Smokers of the Gurkha Beast are greeted with flavors of graham crackers, marshmallows, and a prominent woodiness complemented by undertones of cedar, oak, cocoa, and salt. While the cigar maintains excellent construction, providing a rich smoking experience, its standard flavor profile might not justify its premium price for some enthusiasts. Still, for those exploring the Gurkha lineup, the intricate flavor transitions and overall quality make the Gurkha Beast a recommended choice despite its premium positioning in the market.
Gurkha Titan
The Gurkha Titan is a substantial 7×52 cigar known for its bold, nuanced flavors, featuring tobacco from the Dominican Republic, Colombia, and Nicaragua. It’s celebrated for its rich cedar taste, creamy and sweet undertones, with hints of pepper, and comes wrapped in a dark, slightly oily Costa Rican Maduro wrapper. The cigar is notable for its high-quality construction, even burn, and copious smoke output, making it an ideal choice for special occasions or leisurely evenings. Despite some burn and ash consistency issues, its flavor transitions and the overall richness of the smoking experience are highly praised. Part of the Gurkha Cigarnivore #3 Sampler, this medium-strength cigar is perfect for aficionados who appreciate a robust cedar profile, particularly in a relaxed setting, making the Gurkha Titan a recommended choice.
Gurkha Centurian Double Perfecto
The Gurkha Centurian Double Perfecto is a premium Dominican cigar with a unique appearance characterized by a toothy, brown Connecticut broadleaf wrapper and a distinctive band featuring a golden “Gurkha” inscription against a red-orange sunrise-like background. Its smoking experience begins with a creamy, nutty flavor, transitioning through various stages where the strength escalates from mild to medium, and the palate experiences shifts from nuts to hay, then to richer notes of coffee and earth, all balanced by an enduring creaminess. Despite lacking a “wow” factor and having a tight draw during the second third, its solid construction even burns. The evolving flavor profile makes it a commendable choice, particularly for morning enjoyment or pairing with coffee, appealing especially to those preferring milder to medium strengths and an array of engaging flavors, encapsulating the overall experience of the Gurkha Centurian Double Perfecto.
Gurkha Legend Vintage 2001 Double Perfecto
The Gurkha Legend Vintage 2001 Double Perfecto cigar from the Dominican Republic, boasting a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, offers a complex, medium-strength flavor profile that evolves through the smoking experience. Initially, smokers are greeted with rich creaminess, subtle cocoa, and earthy notes, complemented by a hint of spice. The flavor profile transitions in the second third, with creaminess persisting, cocoa turning to dark chocolate, and earth giving way to a leather note, although the earlier spice dissipates. The final third introduces a rich black espresso flavor, joining the dominant dark chocolate and mellowed leather, balanced by enduring rich creaminess. Construction-wise, the cigar impresses with its draw and burn improvement after the initial third, producing generous smoke and maintaining solid ash integrity. The Gurkha Legend Vintage 2001 Double Perfecto‘s balanced flavors and commendable construction make it a prime choice for aficionados, particularly as an afternoon indulgence or a generous gift among friends.
Black Ops Berserker Toro
The Black Ops Berserker Toro is a highly regarded cigar known for its robust, full-bodied flavor profile and meticulous craftsmanship. Originating from Nicaragua, this Toro-shaped cigar measures 6 inches long with a 50-ring gauge. It is cloaked in a dark, oily Habano wrapper that complements its rich tobacco blend. Despite its intimidating appearance, the cigar offers a smooth smoking experience, consistently delivering notes of coffee, chocolate, and earthy tobacco from the first light to the final third. The cigar’s construction is praised for its solidity and the evenness of its burn. However, its large band, featuring a skull motif, is somewhat mismatched with the wrapper’s color palette. Notably, its flavors, particularly the dominant coffee note, make it an ideal choice for fans who prefer complex tastes. However, its medium to full-bodied strength may pose a challenge for novices. In summary, the Black Ops Berserker Toro stands out as a premium offering, providing a consistently rich and satisfying experience, especially for those with a palate attuned to a bold, coffee-forward profile, solidifying its reputation as a Black Ops Berserker Toro that commands attention.