Cigar reviews and magazines: Publications, Reviews, Inflluencers

Cigar reviews and magazines are essential resources for any cigar smoker, providing valuable insights into the latest cigars, trends, and industry news. Whether you are a seasoned cigar fan or a newcomer to the world of cigars, cigar reviews 

and magazines can help you discover new cigars, refine your palate, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry.


Several publications specialize in cigar reviews and industry news. Some of the most popular publications include:

Cigar Aficionado: Cigar Aficionado is a well-known magazine that covers all aspects of the cigar industry, from reviews of the latest cigars to interviews with industry leaders. The magazine is known for its high-quality photography and in-depth reporting, making it a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts.

Cigar Journal: Cigar Journal is a European-based magazine covering the global cigar industry, focusing on the latest cigars and trends. The magazine features reviews, interviews, and industry news, making it a valuable resource for cigar smokers worldwide.

Cigar Snob: Cigar Snob is a Miami-based magazine that covers the latest cigars, spirits, and lifestyle trends. The magazine features reviews, interviews, and articles on everything from cigar lounges to luxury travel.


Cigar reviews are a valuable resource for any cigar smoker, providing insights into a cigar’s flavor, aroma, and overall quality. Some of the most popular cigar review websites include:

Cigar Aficionado Online: Cigar Aficionado’s website features many articles and reviews, including the latest cigar ratings and industry news. The website also features forums where cigar enthusiasts can discuss their favorite cigars and share their experiences.

Scotch & Cigars: is a popular website specializing in cigar reviews, the cigar industry, and pairings. 

Cigar Coop: Cigar Coop is a website specializing in cigar reviews, focusing on boutique and limited edition cigars. The website features reviews of the latest cigars, industry news, and interviews.

Halfwheel: Halfwheel is a website covering all aspects of the cigar industry, focusing on reviews and news. The website features reviews of the latest cigars and articles on industry trends and events.

Cigar Inspector: Cigar Inspector is a website that features reviews of cigars worldwide. The website features a rating system that evaluates each cigar’s flavor, construction, and overall quality, making it a valuable resource for cigar smokers looking to discover new cigars.

Cigar Dojo: Cigar Dojo is a social media platform and website specializing in cigar reviews and community engagement. The website features reviews of the latest cigars and forums where cigar enthusiasts can discuss their favorite cigars and share their experiences.

Social Media Influencers

Cigar social media influencers are becoming increasingly popular in the cigar community. Many cigar enthusiasts turn to social media platforms like Instagram and YouTube for cigar reviews and lifestyle content. Some of the most popular cigar social media influencers include:

Cigar Vixen: Delicia Silva, also known as Cigar Vixen, is a popular YouTube personality and cigar reviewer with a large following. She is known for her honest and fun cigar reviews and liquor pairings and has become a trusted source for cigar enthusiasts worldwide.

BigAshesCigars: BigAshesCigars is a popular Instagram account that features reviews of the latest cigars, lifestyle content, and cigar-related humor. The account has a large following and is known for its engaging and entertaining content.

StogieChik: StogieChik is a popular Instagram account that features reviews of the latest cigars, lifestyle content, and cigar-related news. The account is run by a group of women passionate about cigars and has become a popular destination for female cigar enthusiasts.

RayDriscoll: RayDriscoll is a popular YouTube personality and cigar reviewer known for his detailed and informative reviews of the latest cigars. He is also a frequent guest on cigar podcasts and has become a trusted source for cigar enthusiasts worldwide.

Cigar social media influencers offer a unique perspective on the cigar industry, providing insights into the latest cigars, trends, and lifestyle content. By following these influencers on social media platforms like YouTube and Instagram, cigar enthusiasts can discover new cigars, refine their palates, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry.

In conclusion, cigar reviews and magazines are valuable resources for any cigar smoker, providing insights into the latest cigars, trends, and industry news. Popular magazines like Cigar Aficionado offer in-depth reporting and high-quality photography, while websites like specialize in cigar and Scotch pairings. Cigar review websites like Cigar Coop, Halfwheel, Cigar Inspector, and Cigar Dojo offer detailed reviews of the latest cigars, focusing on flavor, construction, and overall quality. By using these resources, cigar smokers can discover new cigars, refine their palates, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in the industry.

For more information about the best cigars and other ways to relax make sure to come back to Scotch & Cigars here.

Glyn Caddell

Glyn Caddell