Cigars are known for their rich and complex flavors, and many cigar enthusiasts are willing to pay a premium for the best quality cigars. However, not all cigars are created equal. Some cigars are made with additives and chemicals that can harm your health, while others are made with natural and organic ingredients that are safer and healthier.
This article will explore the different types of organic cigars available on the market, including natural, pure, and chemical-free cigars. We will also discuss the health impact of smoking organic cigars and highlight some of the top brands in the organic cigar industry.
Natural Cigars
Natural cigars are made with 100% tobacco, without additives or chemicals. These cigars are typically grown using organic farming methods and are free from synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Natural cigars are often considered the purest and most authentic form of cigar smoking, as they allow you to experience the flavor and aroma of the tobacco fully.
One of the top brands in the natural cigar industry is Reserva Orgánica, which produces the world’s first entirely organically grown cigar. Reserva Orgánica’s cigars are made with tobacco grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, and they are hand-rolled in Nicaragua. [Source: Reserva Orgánica]
Pure Cigars
Pure cigars are similar to natural cigars, made with 100% tobacco. However, pure cigars may be grown using conventional farming methods, which may include the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. Pure cigars are still considered to be healthier than cigars that contain additives and chemicals, but they may not be as pure as natural cigars.
One of the top brands in the pure cigar industry is Arturo Fuente, which produces a wide variety of cigars made with 100% tobacco. Arturo Fuente’s cigars are hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic and are known for their rich and complex flavors. [Source: Arturo Fuente]
Chemical-Free Cigars
Chemical-free cigars are made without any additives or chemicals, including those that are commonly used in the cigar-making process, such as preservatives and flavorings. These cigars are often made with organic tobacco that is grown without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Chemical-free cigars are considered to be the healthiest option for cigar smokers.
One of the top brands in the chemical-free cigar industry is Perdomo, which produces a wide variety of cigars made with 100% organic tobacco grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Perdomo’s cigars are hand-rolled in Nicaragua and are known for their smooth and balanced flavors. [Source: Perdomo]
Health Impact
Smoking any cigar can have adverse health effects, including an increased risk of cancer, heart disease, and respiratory problems. [Source: American Cancer Society] However, smoking organic cigars may be a healthier option than smoking cigars that contain additives and chemicals.
Organic cigars are free from the harmful chemicals and additives commonly used in the cigar-making process, which can reduce the risk of exposure to these toxins. Additionally, organic tobacco is often grown using organic farming methods, which may be better for the environment and result in a cleaner and purer tobacco product.
In conclusion, organic cigars offer a healthier and more authentic option for enthusiasts looking for a pure and natural smoking experience. Whether you prefer genuine, pure, or chemical-free cigars, many high-quality brands on the market offer a wide range of flavors and aromas. However, it is essential to remember that smoking any cigar can have adverse health effects. It is always best to smoke in moderation or quit altogether to reduce your risk of health problems.